Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Delicious foods to eat in Abadan

When you visit Iran and, on your way through it, you get to Abadan, you have to taste these foods at least once.

Falafel: falafel-selling cabins in Abadan give you the best falafel you can ever taste. It is so chilly and has the special flavor of Abadan’s unique spices.
Matn-Beryani: it’s the mixture of meat and chicken with spiced rice.

Koube-Araqi: it is made from smashed potato, boiled eggs, cooked rice, turmeric shaped into a sphere with mincemeat and onion in its center.

Ghalie-Mahi: croaker rolled in sour materials for hours.

There are many other delicious foods specially cooked in Abadan; the above mentioned are popular ones. Note that when you order foods in Abadan, be sure that it has lots of turmeric and pepper. All the dishes are served with side dishes. You will be amazed by their taste, color and variety.

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